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These are some of our news items and events.

Holy bible detail

Bible Study
& Prayer

Wednesday 12 February

& Wednesday 19 February


Lynn Hall Armagh

Sheet Music


Saturday 22 February


Killymaddy Methodist

Mission Hall

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Youth Club
@ Killylea

Friday 21 February


Killylea Methodist

Church Hall

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Young at Heart

Thursday 6 March


Lynn Hall Armagh

Speaker: Clint Aiken

(Ulster Gazette)


Indoor Bowling

Friday 21 February


Lynn Hall Armagh

No bowling experience necessary


Indoor Bowling

Friday 21 March


Lynn Hall Armagh

No bowling experience necessary

News Items

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1957 Cookery Book

A new addition to our history pages!

Find extracts from a 1957 cookery book produced for Armagh Methodist Circuit

1957 Cookery Book


Covenant Service

Annual Covenant Service  held at the beginning of January each year. See events list for date and time 

Methodist Covenant Service

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The Green Girl

Beautifully written story by Karl O'Neill about the Green Girl statue on The Mall, Armagh which commemorates the railway disaster of 1889

The Green Girl Story

Regular Events

There are events that run on a regular basis and you can find the updates here as well as on our Facebook pages. They are open to everyone to join. Feel free to contact us for more information (see Contact page)

Holy bible detail

Bible Study

Every Wednesday


(see notices)


All welcome


Young at Heart

First Thursday each month

10.30am - 12 noon

Lynn Hall

Armagh Methodist Church

A place to meet,

renew friendships

and make new ones!

Cup of Tea

Women's Coffee Morning

Monthly on a Saturday

from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Lynn Hall

Armagh Methodist Church


Youth Club

Every Friday 7pm - 9pm

Killylea Methodist Church

For children aged up to 15 years

Contact us for more information


We have regular services across the Circuit, weekly in Armagh and Markethill, monthly in Killylea and Killymaddy. Please feel free to come and join us at a time and place to suit you.



Services are held on a

Sunday at 10.30am

in Abbey Street Methodist Church

(Includes children's Sunday School)

Tea and coffee afterwards

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord."
Psalm 122:1
Killylea Methodist Jan 2021 (2).jpg


Services are held in Killylea

on the last Sunday of each month 

at 12 midday

Killymaddy Methodist Oct 2021.jpg


Services are held in Killymaddy on the first Sunday of each month

at 3pm

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Services are held on a

Sunday at 10.00am

with some Sundays at 9.00am

Pray then like this:

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Matthew 6:9-13


This is a short video of images of our circuit. Enjoy!


Armagh Methodist Circuit is made up of four churches but we work together as one. Armagh Methodist is located in Abbey Street, Killylea Methodist is on Main Street just off the Killylea Road. Killymaddy Methodist Church is found on the B115 Battleford Road at the junction with Lisnafeedy Road and Markethill Methodist is on the corner of Keady Street in Markethill.


The easiest way to contact us is by email but we also have an office in Abbey Street Methodist Church.

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