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Armagh Methodist

We have a small congregation but manage to fit in lots of activities for members and for our community. We hold worship on a Sunday morning, followed by tea and coffee in the hall beside the church. A time for praise and for conversation and friendship. There is a small Sunday School that meets during the worship. Children are encouraged to contribute to the life of our church and we welcome them to be part of everything.

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Killylea Methodist

The church meets on the last Sunday of each month at midday for worship but is so much more than that. There is a vibrant youth group meeting in the church halls on a Friday evening, and the church is still an integral part of village life. Special services are held in the church on Good Friday evening (Tenebrae), Christmas Eve midnight service, and November and December when there is a special Christmas festival.

Killymaddy Methodist

Family and friends both near and far are welcomed to Killymaddy Mission Hall, in rural County Armagh.

Regular monthly services are held on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm, along with special Gospel meetings and concerts.

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The church is situated in the village of Markethill in Co Armagh.

Having celebrated 190 years of witness in 2023 we continue to welcome family and friends both near and far.

Regular services are held each Sunday (times may vary)


Armagh Methodist Circuit is made up of four churches but we work together as one. Armagh Methodist is located in Abbey Street, Killylea Methodist is on Main Street just off the Killylea Road. Killymaddy Methodist Church is found on the B115 Battleford Road at the junction with Lisnafeedy Road and Markethill Methodist is on the corner of Keady Street in Markethill.


The easiest way to contact us is by email but we also have an office in Abbey Street Methodist Church.

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